Need help beating sugar addiction? You’re at the right place!


Synergistically develop reliable potentialities.


Sugar is like a drug.

Nope, we’re not joking about that!

Studies show that sugar is addictive, with some reports saying it is 8 times more addictive than cocaine!

When you eat sugar, it releases feel-good hormones to trigger your body’s reward system.

The more sugar you eat, the merrier you’ll be. But the happiness wears off quickly.

Your brain tells you to eat more sugar because you want to feel jolly again.

This is a cycle that is really hard to stop!

To make things worse, you probably have no idea how much sugar you’re eating.


Let's do the math...

Fat-free flavoured yogurt

7 teaspoons

Breakfast cereal

6 teaspoons

Bottled juice

6 teaspoons

Canned fruits

6 teaspoons

Pudding Cup

5 teaspoons

Mocha latte with cream

11 teaspoons

Pasta sauce

5 teaspoons

Store bought muffin

5 teaspoons

Tomato Sauce

1 teaspoon

Soft drink

8 teaspoons


The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day for women and 9 teaspoons for men.

Have you exceeded your daily limit today?

“That can’t be right - I only buy sugar-free products! Surely it’s not pawsibble for them to contain so many teaspoons of sugar?”

We hate to be bear-er of bad news...

Food manufacturers are disguising sugar under different names

So teir products fly off the shelf abecause they can still sell their to the health-concious who are looking for sugar-free alternatives. Very sneaky!

Don't be fooled by nutrients

Just because there’s a nutrition-oriented statement on the package (eg. "contains whole grain," "excellent source of calcium," "fat-free," "100% juice" or "25% less sugar") doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain a huge amount of sugar. 

Names & labels don't matter

And just because the brand name or product name sounds like it’s good for weight loss, don’t assume the food is lower in sugar!

That's not all...

It isn’t enough to simply take a claim like ‘Sugar free’ on the front of the package as confirmation of the ingredients.

A ‘sugar free’ product may have "Sucanat" in it, which is just a different form of sugar.

Processed food and sugar are diet killers, and do nothing good for the body.

Need more reasons to quit?

Here are 4 beary scary things that sugar does to your body

Speeds up aging

Sugar increases the size of waistlines which in turn can tax delicate organs which result in chronic diseases

Destroys skin

When sugar enters the bloodstream, it causes insulin levels to spike which may lead to inflammation that affects skin cells

Affects your mood

Sugar addiction is real and once you are addicted, you might feel anxious and irritable without sugar intake

Weakens your immunity

Sugar causes bacteria and viruses to multiply faster, making your immune system work harder

One more thing...

For those who are struggling with weight loss...

Did you know that sugar is the culprit for our society’s obesity problems, not fat?

Yep. That’s the reason why you’re not seeing results even though you’ve gone low fat for a long time.

Sugar makes it easy to carry a spare tire around your belly. It also plays a role in many chronic diseases such as heart failure, cancer, dementia etc.

Yet, sugar seems to control your life. You struggle with uncontrollable cravings and mood swings that make it seem impawssible to stop.

You give in to your sugar cravings, again and again. It leaves you guilty, tired, and worst of all: paw-erless. Sugar is everywhere: it’s in cereal, skim milk, bread, salad dressings, wine… Sometimes it feels totally inescapable.

Guess what? It’s not.

Keep reading to find out how you can escape the sugar rush...






Raise your hand if:

You would like to break free from unhealthy eating habits you know are bad for you?

The unhealthly cycle can be very hard to break if you don't eliminate sugar from your diet.

That's because every time you go back to indulging in sweets, your body gets affected.

With our 7-day sugar detox programme, you will find ways to break the cycle for good.


Maybe you have:

  • Tried diets that haven’t brought you the weight loss results you are desperately looking for?

Sugar is the reason why you’re not seeing results even though you’ve gone low fat for a long time.

With our 7-day detox, weight loss will be a piece of cake (pun intended!)

You will find out amazing sugar swaps so you can enjoy your new routine.


Perhaps you also:

Struggle with nagging sweet cravings that sabotage your efforts to eat healthy?

That's because sugar addiction can make it super hard to say no to sweets.

Which is why we help you curb your cravings with our tried-and-tested hacks.

The goal is help you cut out sugar without resorting to bland and boring diets.


Do you wish:

For more energy throughout the day, so you can live your life with more passion and vibrancy?

Sugar can affect your immunity big time and a slow immune system means more diseases.

The more sick days you have, the less productive you become because your energy levels tank.

By arming you with sugar-free recipes, you will enjoy more energy throughtout the day.

Say goodbye to your sugar crush

We’ve created an easy 7-Day sugar detox to finally rid your diet of refined sugar that won't leave you feeling deprived. You don’t need to be a mathematician and paw-take in pointless calorie counting. With our programme, you’ll enjoy fresh whole foods that help aid and enhance your metabolism!

On this program you'll cut out sugar, feel great, and start to take control of those cravings once and for all. What’s truly pawsome about our 7-day sugar detox is the fact that we have prepared tasty recipes for 3 meals and 1 snack everyday so you won’t starve!

You’ll feel more energetic, your skin will glow, and you’ll get healthier in just 7 days.

Sounds interesting? Scary? Hard? Don't think you can do it? 

We know you can.

Give yourself the gift of time and space away from sugar to really learn more about yourself and how you can claim your paw-er back. Make the lifestyle change that will yield the results you’ve been looking for now!

Our easy 7-day Sugar Detox programme is created to help you switch out of yo-yo diets, stress-induced eating and sugar binges for a lasting, healthy and clean-eating lifestyle.

In this online programme, you will be getting:

Exclusive Quiz

To help you understand your level of sugar addiction

Break The Cycle Guide

Why you need a sugar detox and how to do it in 7 days

Facts About Sugar

The crazy things they don't tell you about the scary effects of sugar

Sugar Swap List

What to replace sugar with so you can still enjoy your favourite treats

Curb The Cravings Guide

Learn effective strategies on how to keep the sugar cravings at bay, for good

Sugar-Free Recipes

Delicious options for all times of the day so you can enjoy your new routine

Facebook Detox Group

For accountability to help you stay on track + answer any questions you have



From Sugar Detoxers

Sangeeta S.

Great everday stroller

Sad to say I recently discovered my addiction to sugar and failed to curb it totally in the past. I don't take any sugary drinks and survive mainly on water and black coffee but I do eat a dessert after my main meal, once a day. Thank you for the awareness and urging me to build my willpower to say no to desserts daily.

Melanie L.

Better than expected

I wanted to lose weight and come into the sugar detox with zero expectations. Surprisingly managed to get through the 7 days with almost zero sugar intake. Did manage to reduce a few kilos. Thanks for the experience! 

Get the Programme today & Save 50%

You will receive access via email after purchase with all the resources you need to kickstart your Sugar Detox journey!
